
The Bond relationship brings together data from web2 and web3. On the web3 side, DIDs are a decentralized, verifiable digital identifier, and DIDs data are primarily derived from .bits and nextid. On the web2 side, Twitter is the most pioneering and influential Internet headline company connecting Web2 and Web3, and Bond data is integrated with Twitter's data.


DIDs Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are a type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity. Through KNN3 DID api, you can query the information bound to different DIDs.


Avatars are the relational data of nextID, you can access the EOA address bound to the avatar and the inclusion relationship of the Twitter handle through the interface.

Bits —— EOA

Bits are the relational data of .bit, and you can access the address relationship bound to .bit through the interface.The Bond API supports bidirectional parsing between Bits and EOAs.

Please notice: Addrs is the EVM address by default in KNN3 Network, Addrs_Tron represents TRON account address.

  • View address bound .bit

  • View the .bit binding address


Explanation: The number of nft holders from result may indicate whether this project is hot and widely known. And the addresses here can also be considered to be the potential participants if a new nft project is similar with this one.

Avatars —— EOA

Avatars are the relational data of nextID, you can access the EOA address bound to the avatar and the inclusion relationship of the Twitter handle through the interface.

  • View address bound avatars

  • View avatars bound addresses


Avatars —— Twitter

The relationship between Web2 web3 can also be easily queried. avatar is the relationship data of nextID, and avatars and Twitter handles can be resolved in both directions through the interface.

  • View avatars bound to twitter

  • View twitter bound avatars


Last updated